个人全球医疗保险(2021 版)条款
Individual Health Insurance Policy
The documents issued by the Insurer consist of a Chinese language and an English language version. In the
event of any discrepancy, the Chinese language version shall prevail.
总则 General Provisions .................................................................................................................. 1
保障类型 Policy Type ...................................................................................................................... 3
保险责任 Insurance Benefit ............................................................................................................ 4
责任免除 Exclusions ..................................................................................................................... 15
免赔额 Deductible ......................................................................................................................... 21
一般自付比例 Policy Co-payment ................................................................................................ 21
保险金额和保险 Sum Assured and Premium ........................................................................... 22
保险期间和等待 Policy Period and Waiting Periods ................................................................ 22
不保证续保 Unguaranteed Renewal ............................................................................................. 22
医疗服务网络和事先授权 Medical Provider Network and Pre-authorization ............................. 22
保险人义务 The Obligations of the Insurer .................................................................................. 25
投保人、被保险人义务 The Obligations of the Policyholder and the Insured ............................ 26
保险金申请与给 Insurance Benefits Application and Payment ................................................ 29
医疗费用补偿原 Compensation for Medical Expenses ............................................................ 30
年龄的计算及年龄错误的处理 The Calculation and Error Handling of Age ............................. 31
保险合同的变更与解除 Alteration and Cancellation ................................................................... 31
争议处理与法律适用 Dispute Settlement and Governing Law ................................................... 33
释义 Definitions ............................................................................................................................. 33
个人全球医疗保险(2021 版)条款
Individual Health Insurance Policy
【注册编号 Registration NumberC00001032512021072007672
General Provisions
第一条 本保险合同(以下简称“本合同”)由保险条款、投保单或者其他投保文件、
Article 1 The Policy Wording, the Policy Rider, the Policyholder application forms, other application
documents, the Insurance Certificate or other certificates, the Insurance Card, Direct Billing Providers List, and
any amendments or endorsements, make up the entire Insurance Policy (hereinafter referred to as the "Policy").
Any agreement relating to the Policy shall be made in writing.
第二条 被保险人本人或者对被保险人具有保险利益的其他自然人和组织,可作为投保
Article 2 The Policyholder can be the Insured person or insurable interest related person or organization.
第三条 投保时年龄在出生满三十日(含)至九十九周岁(含)的人员,经保险人同意,
Article 3 Once accepted by the Insurer, a person aged between 30 days after birth (discharged from hospital)
and ninety-nine (99) at the time of enrollment qualifies as a “Primary Insured”. Once accepted by the Insurer, the
spouse of the Primary Insured aged below ninety-nine (99) at the time of enrollment qualifies as an “Insured
Dependent”. “Primary Insuredand “Insured Dependents” aged seventy-one (71) to ninety-nine (99) shall meet the
following conditions at the same time.
Not first time insured under this policy.
The policyholder shall reapply a new Policy prior to the expiration of the previous insurance period.
The period of insurance under this Policy shall be continuous and uninterrupted from the period of insurance
under the previous Policy.
Once accepted by the Insurer, unmarried children up to the age of twenty-one (21), (full-time students up to the
age of twenty-six (26) who attend school regularly, or children up to the age of twenty-six (26) who are physically
or mentally incapacitated), and depend solely upon the Primary Insured’s support, qualify as “Insured Dependents”.
“Primary Insuredand “Insured Dependents” are collectively referred to as “the Insured” and are also referred
to as “each Insured Person”, “the Insured Person” or “The insured himself/herself”.
The Insured shall live in Mainland China, Hong Kong, Macao, or Taiwan for at least two third (2/3) of the
Policy Period. Otherwise, if this condition cannot be met or any change shall occur during the Policy Period,
the Insured shall inform the Insurer before the enrollment or when the change occurs, and the Insurer has
the right to adjust the underwriting conditions or Premiums rates accordingly.
第四条 除特别指明外,以下各项中与被保险人相关的表述适用于每一被保险人。
Article 4 Except as otherwise stipulated, the statements related to Insured Persons in the following articles are
fully applicable to each Insured Person.
第五条 根据附属被保险人的有无及其与主被保险人的身份关系,本保险中被保险人的
Article 5 The Insurer offers four types of coverage according to the Primary Insured personal relationship status:
Single, Couple, Single Parent Family, and Family, which shall be selected by the Policyholder and indicated in this
A. Single: no Insured Dependent;
B. Couple: the Insured Dependent is the spouse of the Primary Insured;
C. Single Parent Family: the Insured Dependents are the children of the Primary Insured;
D. Family: the Insured Dependents are the spouse and children of the Primary Insured;
第六条 除法律另有规定或者本合同另有约定外,保险金受益人为被保险人本人。
Article 6 Except as otherwise stipulated in the Policy or by the law, the beneficiary of this Policy is the Insured
第七条 保险人将为每一被保险人发放保险卡,该保险卡将载明被保险人姓名、保险
Article 7 Once this Policy is underwritten, the insurer shall issue an Insurance Card for every Insured Person,
which outlines the name of the Insured Person, Policy number, Policy period, Policy type, Policy Co-payment, per
claim deductible or annual deductible, optional benefits, medical provider network, third-party medical service
provider (hereinafter referred to as the “Medical Service Provider”), as well as information for submitting claims.
第八条 本保险条款涉及的责任限额以人民币表示,经投保人、保险人双方约定,也
Article 8 The currency of this Policy is Renminbi (“RMB”), unless otherwise agreed between the Policyholder
and the Insurer.
Policy Type
第九条 本保险的保障类型分设有全球保障、国际保障、国际增强保障、大陆及港澳台
Article 9 The Insurer offers five areas of coverage: Worldwide Plan, International Plan, International Plus Plan,
Greater China Plan and Greater China Plus Plan, which shall be selected by the Policyholder and indicated in this
Policy. The Policy Type of the Insured People shall be the same.
第十条 每一保障类型对应的保障地域具体约定如下,保险人仅对被保险人保险期间内
Article 10 The Policy covers the Insured Persons for Allowable Charges of medical services provided in the
areas of coverage for the plans selected as stated in the Policy.
(一)全球保障 Worldwide Plan
The Worldwide Plan has no geographic restrictions and provides coverage in any country in the world.
(二)国际保障 International Plan
The International Plan provides coverage for medical treatment throughout the world, with the exceptions of
the United States and Canada.
(三)国际增强保障 International Plus Plan
The International Plus Plan is designed to provide the same benefits as the International Plan. In addition, the
International Plus Plan provides Medical Emergency Services in the United States and Canada.
(四)大陆及港澳台保障 Greater China Plan
The Greater China Plan provides coverage for medical treatment within Mainland China, Hong Kong, Macao
and Taiwan.
(五)大陆及港澳台增强保障 Greater China Plus Plan
The Greater China Plus Plan is designed to provide the same benefits as the Greater China Plan. In addition,
the Greater China Plus Plan provides emergency coverage outside of the Greater China region.
In the event of an emergency, approval by the Medical Service Provider is required for International Plus Plan
or Greater China Plus Plan members who require treatment outside of corresponding area. The Medical Service
Provider will direct the Insured Person to the nearest network facility capable of providing the necessary medical
treatment; if the approval is not granted by the Medical Service Provider prior to the treatment, then the
related cost will not be covered by the insurer. In situations in which it is not possible to contact the Medical
Service Provider prior to the treatment, the insured must then contact the Medical Service Provider within
48 hours after the occurrence of the emergency.
Insurance Benefit
第十一条 保险责任包括一般疾病(伤害)和一般项目门诊医疗保险责任、一般疾病(伤
Article 11 This Policy may include the following benefits: Outpatient Benefits, Inpatient Benefits, Special
Disease and Special Medical Care Benefits, Maternity and Newborn Infant Care Benefits, Medical and Death Aid
Benefits, and Optional Benefits. Maternity and Newborn Infant Care Benefits and Optional Benefits shall be liable
after selected by the Policyholder and indicated in this Policy. The Insurance Benefits of the Insured People shall be
Excepted as otherwise stipulated in Article 12 to 16, the benefit under the coverage shall be calculated
according to the types of applicable deductibles:
A. Per Claim Deductible: “(Covered medical expense per treatment - Per Claim Deductible) * (1 - Policy
B. Annual Deductible: “(Covered medical expense in Policy Period - Annual Deductible) * (1 - Policy Co-
第十二条 一般疾病(伤害)和一般项目门诊医疗保险责任如下:
Article 12 Outpatient Benefits
During the Policy Period, if the Insured Person suffers from accidental injury or disease and needs to receive
Medically Necessary Outpatient treatment recommended by a Physician within the area of coverage, the Usual and
Customary Charges resulting from the following expenses are covered in accordance with the Schedule of Benefits:
A. Outpatient Physician visit, or consultation by a specialist;
B. Diagnostic Tests: including, but not limited to ultrasonic examination, echocardiography, computed
tomography (CAT scan), positron emission tomography (PET scan) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI);
C. Operation room and recovery room;
D. Emergency room;
E. Surgeon and Anesthesiologist;
F. Radiation therapy, Chemotherapy, Targeted therapy for tumor, Tumor immunotherapy, Tumor endocrino-
therapy, Tumor Therapy with Protons and Heavy Ions;
G. Acupuncture or Homeopathy treatments, must be rendered by a qualified physician. Benefits are limited to
the maximum indicated in the Schedule of Benefits.
H. Emergency dental treatment;
I. Therapeutic Services: Physical therapy, American chiropractic treatment, Occupational therapy, Speech
Benefits are payable for physical therapy, American chiropractic treatment, occupational therapy or speech
therapy (including a Video Laryngoscope for the diagnosis of a swallowing dysfunction performed by a registered
speech therapist) provided by a Physician or a medically registered physician. Services must be pursuant to a
Physician’s written treatment plan, which contains short and long-term treatment goals and is provided to the Insurer
for review, and shall meet both of the following conditions:
Produce significant improvement in the Insured Person’s condition in a reasonable and predictable period of
time, and
Be of such a level of complexity and sophistication, and/or the condition of the patient must be such that the
required therapy can safely and effectively be performed only by a Physician or a registered physical or occupational
The Benefit limitation shall be indicated in the Schedule of Benefits.
J. Traditional Chinese Treatment, covers registration fee, diagnostic fee, and traditional Chinese Medicines
prescribed by a registered and qualified traditional Chinese physician. In non-public medical institutes benefits are
payable up to maximum indicated in the Schedule of Benefits.
K. Outpatient prescription drugs. The Usual and Customary Charges of outpatient prescription drugs resulting
from Medically Necessary treatment by a physician are covered in accordance with the Schedule of Benefits. In
particular, in the United States, the limitation per filling is 180 days; while outside the United States, is 90 days. Each
filling shall match the time interval described in the prescription. The Insurer shall not be responsible for the part
in excess of such limitation.
L. The expenses of physician consultation and related examination and laboratory testing charged before
hospitalization or day-care surgery, and after discharged or day-care surgery, the benefit limitation shall be indicated
in this Policy.
第十三条 一般疾病(伤害)和一般项目住院医疗保险责任如下:
Article 13 Inpatient Benefits
During the Policy Period, if the Insured Person suffers from accidental injury or disease and receives Medically
Necessary Inpatient treatment (Day-care Treatment is considered as Inpatient Treatment) recommended by a
Physician within the area of coverage, the Usual and Customary Charges resulting from the following expenses are
covered in accordance with the Schedule of Benefits:
A. Room and board: fees for a semi-private room, emergency room, Intensive Care Unit, meals and/or special
diets (in accordance with the invoice provided by the hospital)except as otherwise agreed;
B. Companion Bed: a companion bed for a parent accompanying a hospitalized insured child under eighteen
(18) years of age, or for a baby under sixteen (16) weeks accompanying a hospitalized female Insured Person;
C. Use of operation room and recovery room, and surgical dressings;
D. Blood transfusions, blood plasma, blood plasma expanders, and all related testing, equipment and services;
E. All medicines;
F. Inpatient Consultation by a Physician or Specialist;
G. Surgeon and Anesthesiologist;
H. Nursing services;
I. Oxygen services;
J. Laboratory tests;
K. Diagnostic Tests: including, but not limited to X-rays, ultrasonic examination, echocardiography, computed
tomography (CAT scan), positron emission tomography (PET scan) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI);
L. Transplant services: This coverage applies only when the organ or bone marrow transplant recipient is an
Insured Person under this Policy;
M. Radiation therapy, Chemotherapy, Tumor immunotherapy, Tumor endocrinotherapy, Tumor Therapy with
Protons and Heavy Ions;
N. Respiratory therapy rendered by a Physician;
O. Physical therapy or occupational therapy rendered by a medically registered physician. Services must be
pursuant to a Physician’s written treatment plan and meet both of the following conditions:
Produce significant improvement in the Insured Person’s condition in a reasonable and predictable period of
time, and
Be of such a level of complexity and sophistication, and/or the condition of the patient must be such that the
required therapy can safely and effectively be performed only by a Physician or a registered physical or occupational
P. A Medically Necessary Video Laryngoscope for the diagnosis of a swallowing dysfunction performed by a
registered speech therapist.
Q. Rehabilitation treatment received in institutions approved by the Medical Service Provider and skilled
nursing costs of such rehabilitation treatment rendered by a professional nurse. Benefits are payable up to ninety (90)
days each Policy Period or in accordance with the Schedule of Benefits.
第十四条 特殊疾病和特殊项目医疗保险责任如下:
Article 14 Special Disease and Special Medical Care Benefits:
During the Policy Period, if the Insured Person suffers from accidental injury or disease and receives Medically
Necessary Special Disease and Medical Care treatments recommended by a Physician within the area of coverage,
the Usual and Customary Charges resulting from the following expenses are covered in accordance with the Schedule
of Benefits:
A. Special Examinations and Screening
For a Female Primary Insured or the Insured Spouse: routine Mammogram or breast ultrasound (once per
Policy Period), Papanicolaou (PAP) Screening or TCT (once per Policy Period).
For a Male Primary Insured or the Insured Spouse: PSA Screening Test (once per Policy Period).
For all Insured Persons: screenings recommended by a physician due to family medical history. The expenses
are covered in accordance with the Schedule of Benefits.
B. Home Health Nursing
Home Health Nursing benefits refers to Medically Necessary home nursing by a Skilled Nurse immediately
following treatment as an inpatient on Physician recommendation (home nursing after the expiration of Policy is
excluded). The benefits are provided up to one hundred (100) days.
Subject to applicable Policy terms and limitations, the Insurer considers home nursing care Medically Necessary
when both of the following circumstances are met:
The Insured Person has skilled needs and placement of the Nurse in the home is done to meet the skilled needs
of the Insured Person only. It is not for the convenience of the family caregiver.
In most cases, more than twelve (12) hours per day of skilled nursing care is not considered Medically Necessary.
However, more than twelve (12) hours per day of skilled nursing care may be considered Medically Necessary in
any of the following circumstances: the Insured Person is being transitioned from an Inpatient setting to his/her home;
or the Insured Person becomes acutely ill and the additional skilled nursing care will prevent a Hospital Admission;
or the Insured Person meets the clinical criteria for confinement in a skilled nursing facility (SNF), but a SNF bed is
not available.
Ongoing skilled home nursing care is not considered Medically Necessary for Insured Persons who are
on bolus nasogastric (NG) or gastrostomy tube (GT) feeds and do not have other skilled needs, and benefits
are not available.
C. Skilled Nursing
Skilled nursing care (inpatient or outpatient) is a covered benefit for those who require a minimum of four (4)
consecutive hours of continuous skilled nursing care per day. Skilled nursing care is defined as prescribed care that
can only be provided by a registered professional Nurse which is prescribed by the Physician to treat or ameliorate
identified medical conditions on a limited basis.
D. Durable Medical Equipment Purchase or Rental fees
The Insurer provides benefits for prosthetic devices (artificial devices replacing body parts), orthopedic braces
and Durable Medical Equipment. The Policy will pay the purchase or rental charges (the Usual and Customary
purchase price as a maximum), and subsequent charges for repairs or replacement, provided it is prescribed by a
Physician and determined by the Insurer to be Medically Necessary and appropriate. If an Insured Person who had
a Mastectomy while covered under this policy, as a result of cancer treatment, the Insurer will allow for two breast
implants or silicone breast forms and the related corset.
Prosthetics may include, but are not limited to leg, arm, back, and neck braces; artificial legs, arms and eyes.
Durable Medical Equipment does not include: motor driven wheelchairs or beds; comfort items such as
telephone arms and over bed tables; items used to alter air quality or temperature such as air conditioners,
humidifiers, dehumidifiers, and purifiers (air cleaners); exercise bikes, sun or heat lamps, heating pads, bidets,
toilet seats, bathtub seats, sauna baths, elevators, whirlpool baths, exercise equipment and similar items.
E. Hospice Care
Hospice Care is a program approved by the Medical Service Provider to provide palliative and supportive
services to terminally ill persons. Terminally ill means the patient has a prognosis of two-hundred-forty (240) days
or less. The hospice care must relate to a medical condition that has been the subject of a prior valid claim with the
Claims Administrator, with a diagnosis of terminal Illness from a Physician. Services must be provided by a
recognized hospice, and a medically supervised interdisciplinary team of professionals and volunteers. Admission
to a hospice program is made on the basis of patient and family need. The Hospice Care benefits are provided up to
forty-five (45) days as an Inpatient, and RMB 40,000 as an Outpatient, per Insured Person or in accordance with the
Schedule of Benefits.
F. Mental Health and Psychotherapeutic Treatment Benefits
Benefits are provided for both inpatient and outpatient mental health treatment and consultations in an approved
mental health and psychotherapeutic medical institution or a Hospital with mental and psychotherapeutic department.
A qualified Physician or a licensed clinical psychologist must provide all mental health care and psychotherapeutic
treatment services. Services include treatment for bulimia, anorexia, Bereavement, Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD),
and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). The following services are excluded: withdrawal
treatment for Alcohol and drug abuse, aptitude testing, educational testing, marriage and family counseling.
Benefits are provided for psychotherapeutic treatment and psychiatric counseling and treatment for an approved
psychiatric diagnosis and are payable in accordance with the Schedule of Benefits.
G. Sleep Treatments
Sleep treatments for suspected Narcolepsy or Obstructive Sleep Apnea must be Pre-authorized by the Medical
Service Provider.
H. Congenital Conditions and Birth Anomalies
Treatment of any Congenital Conditions or birth anomalies which is not Pre-existing Condition is covered in
accordance with the Schedule of Benefits.
ICatastrophic Illnesses
Treatment of any Catastrophic Illnesses which is not Pre-existing Condition is covered in accordance with the
Schedule of Benefits.
The Insurer reserves the right to apply waiting period and pre-existing condition limitations to mental
and psychological disorders, sleep test and treatment, and congenital conditions, Catastrophic Illnesses,
according to the specific circumstances of the Insured. Details shall be indicated in this Policy and Schedule
of Benefits.
第十五条 分娩和新生婴儿医疗保险责任如下:
Article 15 Maternity and Newborn Infant Care Benefits
During the Policy Period, if the insured person becomes pregnant after the Waiting Period (except for those
exempted from the Waiting Period), the covered Usual and Customary Charge in the Hospital or Birth Center within
the area of coverage is as follows:
A. Delivery Cost
The delivery cost for the Female Primary Insured or Insured Spouse includes: Cost of pre-natal checkup; pre-
natal vitamins and calcium prescribed by a Physician during the term of the pregnancy only; ultrasounds; premature
birth, normal delivery, Medically Necessary C-section; anesthesia service; post-natal checkup; Medically Necessary
abortion; Postpartum pelvic floor muscle repair for urinary incontinence within 6 months after delivery. The
aggregate maximum benefits for the Insured Person during each pregnancy shall be in accordance with the Schedule
of Benefits.
B. Complications of Pregnancy
的、医学必需的治疗而发生的治疗费用。因为生育并发症所导致的流产, 引产或其他分娩方
The charges for the Female Primary Insured or Insured Spouse receiving treatment for complications of
pregnancy that are Medically Necessary, and recommended by a Physician. The treatment is not covered under
this part for miscarriage, induced labor and other kinds of delivery which are caused by complications of
C. Newborn Infant Care Services
Newborn infants of covered Primary Insured or Spouses (covered children are excluded) are automatically
covered without notification for the first fourteen (14) days after the birth.
Once accepted by the Insurer, the infant of the Insured who are born during the Policy Period can be added as
an Insured Dependent in this Policy, and the following expenses are payable for the services provided within the
areas of coverage before the infant’s first birthday: six visits for routine medical exams and child preventive care
services that may include health history, development assessments, physical examinations, and age related diagnostic
tests; child immunizations include diphtheria, hepatitis B, measles, mumps, pertussis, rubella, tetanus, varicella,
Haemophilus, influenza B virus, hepatitis and other immunizations approved by Medical Service Provider.
The Insurer shall not be responsible for related medical expenses if the Female Primary Insured or
Insured Spouse is already pregnant before applying for enrollment or becomes pregnant during the Waiting
第十六条 医疗及身故援助保险责任如下:
Article 16 Medical and Death Aid Benefits:
A. Emergency Ground Ambulance Services
During the Policy Period, benefits are provided for Medically Necessary emergency ground ambulance
transportation to the medical facilities within the area of coverage and payable in accordance with the Schedule of
B. Emergency Medical Evacuation Services
During the Policy Period, in the event of life-threatening illnesses and/or injuries, when appropriate treatment
is not available locally, this Policy provides Emergency Medical Evacuation to the closest medical facility capable
of providing the required care within the area of coverage, and the corresponding expenses are payable in accordance
with the Schedule of Benefits. In the event of an emergency that may require medical evacuation, the Medical Service
Provider must be contacted in advance in order to approve and arrange such service. The Insurer retains the right to
decide the destination and the medical facility to which the Insured Person shall be transported to according to the
injury. If the Insured Person chooses not to be treated at the facility and location arranged by the Medical
Service Provider, then transportation expenses from the facility to the other facility chosen by the Insured
shall be the liability of the Insured Person. If the Insured Person fails to get the approval from the Medical
Service Provider, he or she will be liable for the full costs of any transportation. The cost of public transportation
(economy-class air tickets) to return to the place of residence, which is arranged by the Insurer, is also covered for
the Insured Person after treatment or once the condition has stabilized.
Certain public transportation costs (economy-class air tickets) and hotel fees for an accompanying person
during an approved Emergency Medical Evacuation and inpatient period are also covered. Hotel fees are covered up
to a maximum indicated in the Schedule of Benefits.
C. Transportation expenses of off-site medical treatment
During Policy Period, because of local medical treatment technology or other reasons, contact the Medical
Service Provider in advance for approval and the Insured can be transferred to the off-site medical institutions for
inpatient care. The specific limits of the benefits for the corresponding transportation expenses within the coverage
shall be subject to the Policy.
D. Repatriation or Local Burial of Mortal Remains
During the Policy period, the benefits are payable by the Insurer for the reasonable and necessary expenses for
repatriation or local burial of the mortal remains of an Insured Person who dies outside the Home Country. The
Repatriation or Local Burial of Mortal Remains benefit payable by the Insurer for each Insured Person under this
Policy shall be indicated in the Schedule of Benefits.
Worldwide Plan, International Plus Plan and Greater China Plus Plan:
If local laws and regulations permit, the Insurer shall be responsible for the repatriation of the mortal remains
to the Home Country or local burial of an Insured Person who dies in any country or region outside his/her Home
Country according to the last wishes of the Insured Person or wills of the close relatives.
International Plan:
If local laws and regulations permit, the Insurer shall be responsible for the repatriation of the mortal remains
to the Home Country (excluding the United States and Canada) or local burial of an Insured Person who dies in
any country or region (excluding the United States and Canada) outside his/her Home Country according to the
last wishes of the Insured Person or wills of the close relatives.
Greater China Plan:
If local laws and regulations permit, the Insurer shall be responsible for the repatriation of the mortal remains
to the Home Country (within Mainland China, Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan) or local burial of an Insured
Person who dies in any country or region (within Mainland China, Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan) outside his/her
Home Country according to the last wishes of the Insured Person or wills of the close relatives.
Repatriation of Mortal Remains expenses include:
Notarization documents, including autopsy report, death certificate and other related notarization documents;
Transportation of Mortal Remains and related service expenses.
Local Burial of Mortal Remains expenses include:
Transportation fee of the mortal remains from a medical service provider(including Birth Center) / police station
to a local funeral home;
Mortal Remains Storage fee;
Cremation fee. Cremation fee of the mortal remains by a funeral home. The costs associated with make-up,
decoration, and the farewell ceremony are excluded.
Cinerary casket. A Usual and Customary cinerary casket. Expenses related to a cemetery or the cost for
taking the cinerary casket back to the Home Country by a relative are excluded.
第十七条 可选责任包括健康检查责任、眼科责任、牙科责任,具体如下:
Article 17 Optional Benefits include Wellness Benefits, Vision Benefits, Dental Benefits.
A. Wellness Benefits
The optional Wellness Benefits will include: The costs of a full physical examination (once per Policy Period)
and the tests and procedures associated with such examination, immunizations, routine tests and exams.
The Benefits are payable according to the maximum and policy co-payment indicated in the Schedule of
B. Vision Benefits
If the Policyholder purchases the optional Vision Benefits, the following will be included:
One Eye Examination;
One pair of glasses or contact lenses.
Exclusions: Sunglasses and/or related accessories.
The Benefits are payable according to the maximum and policy co-payment indicated in the Schedule of
C. Dental Benefits
If the Policyholder purchases the optional Dental Benefits, the following will be included:
Preventive treatment: Covered Expenses include routine examinations, dental health instruction; fluoride
treatment, scale and polish (prophylaxis); cleaning of teeth up to twice (2) per Policy Period.
Basic treatment: Covered Expenses include amalgam or composite fillings, simple extractions, periodontal
scaling, root planning and related pan oral x-rays.
Major treatments: Covered Expenses include root fillings, root canal, crowns and inlays; bridges (including
laboratory and anesthetic fees), wisdom teeth extractions, orthodontic treatment and related pan oral x-rays.
Orthodontic treatment includes study models, impressions, removable string appliances (braces), fixed appliances
(including adjustments), extractions, re-cementing of brackets.
Dental Exclusions: cosmetic surgery or supplies or procedures; false teeth; dental Implants; onlays;
veneers and all associated costs.
The Benefits are payable according to the maximum and policy co-payment indicated in the Schedule of
第十八条 对于被保险人发生的以下费用,保险人不承担给付保险金的责任:
Article 18 Except as otherwise stipulated, the following services, conditions and other items are excluded
from coverage under this Policy:
Treatment of excluded Illnesses and related conditions by the Insurer, and non-declared Pre-existing
Conditions of the Insured Persons requested by the Insurer to submit a Member Health Statement.
Services, treatments and related expenses for conditions subject to designated “Waiting Periodsas set
forth in the Policy and on the Schedule of Benefits or Policy Rider.
Examination, treatment, drugs/medications, and all of related medical service, which are deemed to be
Experimental or Investigational or which is not approved by the laws, regulations or the related National
Regulatory Authorities of the country where the treatment has been received.
Any services or benefits provided by or available under any WorkersCompensation law, Occupational
Disease law or similar law concerning job related conditions of any country; Treatment, services, benefits,
supplies, drugs and/or Emergency Medical Evacuation services payable by another insurance company,
charity or government.
Reimbursement for photocopies (unless authorized by the Medical Service Provider) and any other non-
medical non-covered expenses; medical consultations on behalf of someone else or services that were not
provided for the insured persons or that occur when the insured is not present; Telephonic consultations
(institutes authorized and approved by the Medical Service Provider are excluded) or missed appointments;
any services not ordered by a Physician or not necessary for medical care, as well as medical services that do
not meet professionally recognized standards or are determined by the Insurer to be unnecessary for proper
treatment; Treatment, services, benefits, supplies, drugs and/or Emergency Medical Evacuation services that
are not Medically Necessary, not recommended or approved by a doctor or not rendered within the scope of
a doctor’s license; Charges in excess of the Usual and Customary Charges for any covered procedure.
Injuries and/or Illnesses and related expenses resulting or arising from or occurring during the
commission or perpetration of a violation of law, or intentional acts by an Insured Person, including, but not
limited to all self-inflicted Illnesses or Injuries, or suicide.
Personal comfort and convenience items, including but not limited to: television, Employment of
caregivers, housekeeping services, guest meals and accommodations, telephone charges, take-home supplies,
travel expenses, emergency service not listed in this Policy, and all other services and supplies that are not
Medically Necessary, other than those provided under benefits in this Policy. Unless otherwise agreed in this
Claims and costs for medical treatment occurring after the expiration date of the Policy, and any portion
of a covered prescription to be used after 90 days beyond the expiration date in the U.S. and 30 days elsewhere.
Health check-ups, except under the optional Wellness Benefits, functional medical examination
(including, but not limited to a full set of Personalized Nutrition Assessment, Antioxidant Vitamin Analysis,
Oxidative Stress Analysis, Nutrient & Toxic Element Analysis, Gut Immunity Analysis), immunizations, and
tests, travel and hotel expenses necessary for administrative purposes (including, but not limited to
determining insurability, employment, school or sport-related physical examinations), unless provided for
under a specific benefit in this Policy.
Drugs or equipment not approved by China Food and Drug Administration (CFDA) , including but not
limited to health products, dietary supplements, cosmeceutical, smoking cessation drugs, appetite
suppressants, hair regenerative drugs, anti-photo aging drugs, cosmetic and beauty aids, megavitamins,
vitamins; Traditional Chinese Medicine for general health improvement (including but not limited to
1. Traditional Chinese Medicines with a pure form or within Chinese medicines compound: Hairy antler,
monkey bezoars, Canis familiaris, Seamaster, Pipe fish, Agate, hawksbill, Chinese caterpillar fungus, Horse
bezoars, Bezoars, Coral, Moschus, Cornu Saigae Tataricae apex powder, Cornu Rhinocerotis, Bird’s nest,
Ginseng (excluding sun-cured ginseng), animals and their organs (excluding endothelium corneum) which
can be used as medicines such as placenta, penis, tail, tendon, bone, etc.;
2. Traditional Chinese Medicines with a pure form: Colla Corii Asini, Colla Corii Asini beads, Deer-horn
glue, Turtle shell Glue, Pseudo-ginseng, Turtle Angle glue, Guilu erxian glue, Tortoise-plastron glue, Safflower,
Sun-cured ginseng, Antelope horn powder;
3. Wine soaked with above Traditional Chinese Medicine and their cut crude drugs, processing pieces,
processing herbs, herbal fumigation and acupressure adhesive plasters.), Chinese herbal paste; any herb
processing charge related to powder, pill, capsule, paste, mastic and other preparation, unless provided for
under a specific benefit in this Policy.
If an Insured Person receives radiation therapy, chemotherapy, physical therapy, American chiropractic
treatment, occupational therapy or speech therapy without the recommendation of a Physician, except for
emergency cases and when Physicians are fully aware of the Insured Person’s need of such treatment.
Services and supplies related to visual therapy, Radial keratotomy procedures, Lasik, or eye surgery to
correct refractive error or deficiencies; Services or treatment for astigmatism, hyperopia, myopia or
Rest cures, Custodial Care or homelike care, Care in a nursing home or home for the aged; Milieu
therapy for rest and/or observation; Services or treatment in any long term care facility, spa, hydro clinic,
Rehabilitation institution, sanatorium or home for the aged that is not a Hospital as defined in this Policy;
Hospital costs if the Hospital effectively becomes, or could be treated as, being the Insured Person’s home or
permanent abode; Hospital costs where Admission to the Hospital is arranged wholly or partly for domestic
Elective surgery and procedures, treatment and/or surgery that is not Medically Necessary, Treatment
that is provided for the sole purpose of improving or enhancing the quality of an existing condition (including,
but not limited to Chinese traditional treatment for general health improvement) and does not meet the
definition of Medically Necessary treatment.
Services or supplies for aesthetic treatment and cosmetic treatment whether or not for psychological
purpose, including dental treatment.
Treatment or removal of benign skin lesions (including, but not limited to chloasma, leukoderma,
chromatosis) not demonstrating evidence of suspicious cellular activity such as, but not limited to, recent
changes in size, shape or color; Treatment of, or surgery for, Vitiligo, superficial varicose veins that are not
Medically Necessary, spider veins, non-keloid scars, tattoo removal, or other skin discolorations.
Charges for breast reduction or augmentation and any complications arising from such procedures.
Treatment of hair loss including, but not limited to: hairplasty for male pattern alopecia or any alopecia;
the temporary or permanent removal of hair by laser, electrolysis, waxing, or any other means; hair
transplants to correct permanent hair loss that is clearly caused by disease or Injury, for male pattern baldness,
or age-related thinning in women.
Smoking cessation treatments; Weight reduction and the cost of any and all treatments for weight
reduction or weight reduction programs; Medical fast diets, weight loss programs and educational dietary
counseling related to weight loss efforts; Health care services and associated expenses related to or associated
with treatment of morbid or non-morbid obesity, including, but not limited to: gastric bypass, gastric balloons,
gastric stapling, jejunal ileal bypass, and any other procedures or complications arising therefrom.
All expenses related to the organ transplant donor, organ transplant donor search and transplant tissue
storage fees, and all expenses related to transplant associated with infertility or reproductive treatments are
not covered by the Policy.
Any fertility/infertility services, tests, treatments and/or procedures of any kind, including, but not
limited to: fertility/infertility drugs, artificial inseminations, in-vitro fertilization, gamete intrafallopian
transfer (GIFT), zygote intrafallopian transfer (ZIFT), surrogate mother and all other procedures and
services related to fertility and infertility; Any complications of that pregnancy are also excluded.
Genetic counseling, screening, testing or treatment.
Examination, treatment and other related expenses to investigate the cause of miscarriage; infertility or
pre-pregnancy examinations.
Elective abortions and complications thereof; Postpartum pelvic floor muscle repair (except for urinary
incontinence) and related expenses.
Male and female birth control; Vasectomies and sterilization or any expenses for their reversal; Sex
changes or implantations; Treatment for sexual transformation, sexual dysfunctions or inadequacies;
Maternity/delivery preparation classes; Elective C-sections; “Viagraor other sexual enhancement drugs and
their respective generic equivalents.
Pregnancy and related conditions for a Dependent child.
Diagnosis, examination and treatment of any Illness or Injury arising directly or indirectly from alcohol
consumption (except for alcohol allergy, accidental alcohol ingestion) or drug abuse or addictive conditions of
any kind. Diagnosis, examination and treatment for any Injuries and Illnesses directly or indirectly caused by,
contributed to or resulting from the Insured Person's use of vaccinations prohibited by local law, or any drugs
or medicines that are not taken in the dosage or for the purpose prescribed by the Insured Person's Physician.
Eyeglasses and contact lenses, except under the optional Vision benefits.
Unless optional Dental benefits have been purchased, dental coverage is limited to Accidental Injury
of sound, natural teeth sustained while covered under this Policy. Accidental Injury does not include damage
to teeth incurred while chewing food or foreign objects.
Instructions for the use and care of Durable Medical Equipment; Customizing any vehicle, bathroom
facility or residential facility; Costs of all medical devices not approved by China Food and Drug
Administration (CFDA); Motor driven wheelchairs or bed; Hearing aids; Artificial cochlea;
Sphygmomanometer, thermometer, stethoscope and similar items. Prosthesis and corrective devices which are
not medically required intra-operatively or equivalent appliances, except prosthesis or Durable Medical
Equipment used as an integral part of treatment prescribed by a Physician.
Orthopedic shoes or other supportive devices for the feet, such as, but not limited to, arch supports and
orthotic devices or any other preventative services and supplies; any devices resulting from the diagnosis of
weak, strained, unstable or flat feet or fallen arches; or any tarsalgia or metatarsalgia; or specified lesions of
the feet, such as corns, calluses, and hyperkeratosis, except for operations which involve the exposure of bones,
tendons, or ligaments.
Routine podiatry or other foot treatment not resulting from an Illness or Injury.
All services, medicine, supplies, Emergency Medical Evacuation services and/or treatments, under the
direction of public authorities, related to epidemics.
Growth hormones and related expenses, unless Medical Necessary and Pre-authorized by the Medical
Service Provider.
Services for conditions not determined by the Insurer to be emotional or personality Illnesses; Psychiatric
services extending beyond the period necessary for evaluation and diagnosis of mental deficiency or
retardation; Services for mental disorders or Illnesses which are not amenable to favorable modification.
Health care services associated with conditions as a result of traveling against medical advice.
Exceptional Risks: Treatment as a consequence of Injury sustained while participating in or training for
any professional sports or High Risk Sports (extreme sports); Treatment as a consequence of Injury sustained
as a consequence of war and acts of Terrorist Activities; Contamination by radioactivity from any nuclear
material or from the combustion of nuclear fuel; Treatment for any loss or expense of whatsoever nature
directly or indirectly arising out of, contributed to, caused by, resulting from, or in connection with needless
self-exposure to peril or bodily Injury, except in an endeavor to save human life.
第十九条 免赔额分设有年免赔额、次免赔额。免赔额经投保人投保时选择,并载明于
Article 19 The Insurer currently offers Per Claim Deductibles and Annual Deductibles, which shall be
selected by the Policyholder and indicated in this Policy. For Family Coverage, the Family Annual Deductible
is three (3) times the individual annual deductible, regardless of the total number of the Primary Insured and
the Insured Dependents.
The deductibles can be offset in the following cases:
The expenses paid by the insured through personal social insurance account, or paid in cash (bank cards)
after registered with social insurance ID can be used as insurance claim or offset by deductibles of this Policy.
The expenses paid by the insured through social insurance pooling, social security additional payment
and others can be offset by deductibles of this Policy, but insurance claim is not allowed.
The expenses covered by the insurance liability, but have been compensated by other commercial
insurance, can be offset by deductibles of this Policy, but insurance claim is not allowed.
Policy Co-payment
第二十条 一般自付比例具体由投保人在投保时选择,并载明于本合同中。
Article 20 The Insurer currently offers Policy Co-payment options which shall be selected by the
Policyholder and indicated in this Policy.
Sum Assured and Premium
第二十一条 保险金额由投保人在投保时选择,并载明于本合同中。
Article 21 The sum assured for the Insured Person shall be selected by the Policyholder and indicated in this
第二十二条 被保险人的保险费由保险人在承保时计算确定。
Article 22 The premium of the Insured shall be calculated and determined by the insurer at the time of
Policy Period and Waiting Period
第二十三条 本合同保险期间为一年,具体起讫时间由投保人、保险人双方约定,并
Article 23 Except as otherwise agreed, the Policy Period is defined as one year. The effective date will be the
one approved by the Policyholder and the Insurer, which shall be indicated in this Policy.
第二十四条 分娩和新生婴儿医疗保险责任的等待期为一百八十天;同时满足以下三个
Article 24 Maternity and Newborn Infant Care Benefits shall apply 180-day Waiting Period. The waiting
period shall be excluded if the following three conditions are met at the same time:
Not first time insured under this policy;
The policyholder shall reapply a new Policy prior to the expiration of the previous insurance period;
The period of insurance under this Policy shall be continuous and uninterrupted from the period of
insurance under the previous Policy.
Unguaranteed Renewal
第二十五条 本合同为不保证续保合同。本合同保险期间届满前,投保人可重新向保险
Article 25 This Policy does not guarantee the renewal. The Policyholder shall reapply a new Policy which
is approved by the Insurer and pay the Premium after expiration.
Medical Provider Network and Pre-authorization
第二十六条 本合同医疗服务网络如下
Article 26 The Medical Provider Network under this Policy is as follows:
A. Direct Billing
The Insurer maintains a network of medical providers and will inform the Policyholder and the Insured regularly
or irregularly about any change. The relevant information is also available for consultation on the website or
telephone line designated by the Insurer. In case the Insured shall receive medical treatment from a medical provider
within the Insurer’s network (hereinafter referred to as the "Network Provider"), shall enjoy direct billing services
by showing the Insurance Card, without advance payment by the Insured. In case the Insured receives treatment
in the United States, the insured is required to be treated by a Network Provider (refer to the following part);
in other areas besides the United States, the Insurer has the right to require the Insured to receive treatment
at a Network Provider.
After the Insured Person receives treatment from a Network Provider, if such expense is not covered by
the insurance benefits, the cost shall be borne by the Insured himself. If such expense is not charged by the
medical provider to the Insured Person directly, the Insurer or its authorized agencies will notify the Insured
who will have to refund such expense within thirty (30) days of this notification. Failure to refund this amount
will result in the continuing to claim compensation.
B. Preferred Provider Network in the U.S. and Policy Co-payment outside the Network
In the United States, the Insured is required to receive treatment from a Network Provider. Outside the
Preferred Provider Network, benefits are payable according with the Usual and Customary Charges within
the Preferred Provider Network, and a Policy Co-payment outside the Network is required to be paid by the
Insured. The calculation is as follows “Benefits amount calculated as per Article of “Insurance Benefitin this
Policy * (1- Policy Co-payment outside the Network)”. Preferred Provider Network in the U.S. and Policy Co-
payment outside the Network are as follows:
Preferred Provider Network
网络医疗机构,包括第一医疗网First Heath Providers)以及保险人指定的美国
他医疗机构。被保险人在网络医疗机构接受治疗的,非网络自付比例为 0%
This Tier consists of all First Health providers as well as other Preferred Providers designated by the Insurer
and listed on the website. Policy Co-payment outside the Network is 0%.
自行在非网络医疗机构接受治疗的,非网络自付比例为 20%
When network Provider was available within 30-mile (50 km) radius of where the Insured is staying in
the U.S., the Policy Co-payment outside the Network is 20%.
Out-of-Market Area
受治疗的,非网络自付比例为 0%
When no network Providers located within a 30-mile (50 km) radius of where the Insured is staying in the U.S.,
the Policy Co-payment outside the Network is 0%.
第二十七条 有关事先授权事项如下:
Article 27 Pre-authorization Requirements are as follows:
A. Pre-authorization
For the following services, the Insured Person shall submit the pre-authorization application form to the Medical
Service Providers of the Insurer, at least 5 working days prior to the performance of those services:
Outpatient surgery requiring general anesthesia, Chemotherapy, Radiation therapy, Tumor immunotherapy,
Tumor endocrinotherapy, Tumor Therapy with Protons and Heavy Ions, Hemodialysis & Peritoneal dialysis
Purchase or rental of Durable Medical Equipment (DME), including but not limited to insulin pumps and
Emergency Medical Evacuation;
Emergency Dental Treatment;
Medications or immunizations in excess of RMB 8,000 per refill.
Once the Insured has submitted the application for pre-authorization, the Medical Service Provider will reply
in writing and reserves the right to request the use of a Network Provider. The Insured shall start treatment after
receiving the written reply. The Insured Person shall cooperate with the Insurer’s requirement on the use of a Network
Provider. The Insurer reserves the right to deny claims arose from services mentioned above without obtaining
pre-authorization prior to the performance of those services.
In instance of an emergency, the Insured Person should receive treatment at the nearest Hospital or Provider,
even if it is not part of the Network Providers. The Medical Service Provider shall be notified within 48 hours of the
service, and reserves the right to verify whether the treatment received is for an emergency.
B. Others
The Insured, authorized personnel or the medical institution can inquire Medical Service Provider about
relevant information for the pre-authorization or Network Providers.
The attainment of the pre-authorization letter from the Medical Service Provider doesn't guarantee the
coverage of all medical expenses incurred. These expenses shall be covered in accordance with the Schedule
of Benefits.
The Obligations of the Insurer
第二十八条 保险人同意承保的,应当及时向投保人签发保险单或者其他保险凭证。
Article 28 Once this Policy is underwritten, the Insurer shall timely issue the Insurance Policy or other insurance
certificate to the Policyholder.
第二十九条 保险人认为保险金申请人提供的有关索赔的证明和资料不完整的,应当
Article 29 If the Insurer considers the claim evidence and documents provided by claimant as incomplete, it
shall promptly notify the claimant to provide the complementary evidence or documents.
第三十条 保险人收到保险金申请人提供的本保险条款“保险金申请与给付”部分约定
Article 30 The Insurer shall, after the receipt of claim evidence and documents as required by the “Insurance
Benefits Application and Paymentprovision in this Policy, ascertain and determine in a timely manner whether the
claim is within the liability of the Insurer. In case of complicated situation, the Insurer shall ascertain and determine
within thirty (30) days.
The Insurer shall notify the result to the claimant, and shall fulfill its obligations for such payment within ten
(10) days after an agreement is reached with the insurance benefit applicant on the amount of payment. Within three
(3) days after the Insurer has ascertained the claim according to the above provision, the Insurer shall issue to the
claimant a notice which states the reasons declining payment of the insurance benefits for any events not falling
within the scope of coverage.
第三十一条 保险人自收到保险金申请人提供的本保险条款“保险金申请与给付”部
Article 31 Should the amount of the insurance benefits cannot be determined within sixty (60) days of receipt
of the claim and relevant evidence and documents as required by “Insurance Benefits Application and Paymentin
this Policy, the Insurer shall deliver payment of the amount which can be determined by the evidence and documents
obtained. The Insurer shall pay the balance after the final amount of the insurance benefits is determined.
The Obligations of the Policyholder and the Insured
第三十二条 除本合同另有约定外,投保人应当在订立本合同时一次交清保险费。投保
Article 32 Except as otherwise agreed, the Policyholder shall pay the Premium in lump sum as agreed in this
Policy. If the Policyholder fails to make the timely payment of Premium, the Insurer shall have the right to cancel
this policy.
第三十三条 订立本合同时,保险人就被保险人的有关情况提出询问的,投保人、被
Article 33 If the Insurer, prior to the underwriting of this Policy, requires information about the Insured Person,
the Policyholder and the Insured Person shall make a full and accurate disclosure.
The Insurer shall have the right to cancel this Policy, in the case that the Policyholder intentionally or by gross
negligence fails to perform such obligation of making a full and accurate disclosure specified in the preceding
paragraph to the extent that it would materially affect the Insurer's decision whether or not to underwrite this Policy
or increase the premium rate.
The cancellation right under the preceding paragraph shall be extinct if not exercised beyond thirty (30) days,
commencing on date when the Insurer knows the grounds of cancellation.
If the Policyholder and the Insured Person intentionally fail to perform its obligation of making a full
and accurate disclosure, the Insurer shall bear no obligation for making any payment of the insurance benefits
for the occurrence of any insured event that occurred prior to the cancellation of the contract, and for
refunding the premiums paid.
If the Policyholder and the Insured Person by gross negligence fail to perform the obligation of making
a full and accurate disclosure and materially affects the occurrence of an insured event, the Insurer shall bear
no obligation for making any payment of the insurance benefits for any insured event occurring before the
cancellation of the contract, but the premiums paid shall be refunded.
If the Insurer is aware that the Insured Person failed to make a full and accurate disclosure, the Insurer has no
rights to cancel the Policy; in the case of an insured event, the Insurer shall bear the obligation of benefits payment.
第三十四条 成为本合同的主被保险人,即意味着主被保险人及其代表的附属被保险
Article 34 The Primary Insured and the Insured Dependents, when applying for enrollment, consent to any
medical institution, physician, pharmacist to render all information determined by the Insurer to be necessary,
inclusive of medical history and diagnosis. The Insurer shall maintain information confidential.
The Primary Insured and the Insured Dependents, when applying for enrollment, authorize the Insurer to
provide records, concerning such Insured Person, including diagnosis and medical history to the relevant authorities
for purposes of administration of this Policy.
第三十五条 投保时,被要求填写健康问卷调查表的被保险人须如实告知既往症及保
Article 35 At the time of enrollment, each Insured Person required by the Insurer to fill out a medical
questionnaire shall do so in full and accurately. The Insured shall disclose pre-existing conditions, medical treatments,
symptoms and other related information for the medical underwriting process required by the Insurer. According to
the specific circumstances of the Policyholder and the Insured Person, the insurance benefits for the pre-existing
conditions stipulated in this Policy shall be partly covered or not covered by the Insurer, which shall be indicated in
this Policy.
第三十六条 保险期间内,投保人可申请变更被保险人,保险人按下列约定予以受理
Article 36 During the Policy Period, the Policyholder has the right to apply for changes of the Insured, and the
Insurer shall accept as stipulated below:
A. Should the marital status of an Insured Person change, written notification must be sent to the Insurer within
thirty (30) days. The Insurer shall perform medical underwriting. If accepted by the Insurer, the Insurer shall be
responsible for benefits from the date stated in the written notification, and corresponding Premium shall be charged
on a daily basis.
B. Should an Insured Dependent need to leave the group due to a marital status change of the Insured Person,
written notification must be sent to the Insurer immediately and the Insurance Card is required to be returned. The
Insurer will terminate the coverage for the corresponding Insured Dependent from 0:00 of the next day after
notification is received, or the termination date as specified in the notification, whichever is later. The Premium shall
be refunded as per the different premium rates of coverage types and shall be calculated on a daily basis.
C. Should the Insured (excluding the dependent children) deliver a newborn child during the Policy Period,
written notification must be sent to the Insurer within thirty (30) days. In the event this shall happen while covered
under a Single or Couple coverage, then the thirty (30) day written notification must also include a request to change
coverage to either Single Parent Family or Family coverage thus the child will be covered from the date of birth.
Any request received beyond the thirty (30) day notification period shall result in coverage being effective from
24:00 of the day when notification is received or the starting time as specified in the notification (whichever is later).
The Premium shall be charged as per the difference in premium rates between the Single or Couple coverage and
Single Parent Family or Family coverage and calculated on a daily basis.
A newborn baby resulting from an unnatural pregnancy is eligible as an Insured Person after underwriting
approval by the Insurer. A certain Waiting Period shall apply to coverage, which shall be indicated in the Policy.
The Insurer shall not be responsible for medical expenses for Pre-existing Conditions of such baby during the
Waiting Period.
D. Should the Primary Insured legally adopt a child approved by the government authorities, written notification
must be sent to the Insurer within thirty (30) days. In the event this shall happen while covered under a Single or
Couple coverage, then the thirty (30) day written notification must also include a request to change coverage to either
Single Parent Family or Family coverage thus the child will be covered on the date of legal adoption. Any request is
received beyond the thirty (30) day notification period shall result in coverage only being effective from 24:00 of
the day when notification is received or the starting time as specified in the notification (whichever is later).
If such child accepted by the Insurer, a Waiting Period for Pre-existing Conditions shall apply. Details
will be indicated in the Policy. The Insurer shall not be responsible for medical expenses for Pre-existing
Conditions of this child during the Waiting Period. The Premium shall be charged as per the difference in
premium rates between Single or Couple coverage and Single Parent Family or Family coverage and calculated on
a daily basis.
第三十七条 如果被保险人住址、婚姻状态以及投保本保险时提供的其他信息等发生
Article 37 The Policyholder or the Insured must inform the Insurer as soon as reasonably possible, of any
changes related to Insured Persons (such as change of address or marital status) or of any other material changes or
of death that affect information given in connection with the application for coverage under this Policy. The Insurer
reserves the right to alter the Policy terms or terminate the benefits for Insured Persons under this Policy.
第三十八条 保险人仅对被保险人发生的符合通常惯例水平的医疗费用承担保险责任
Article 38 The Insurer is only responsible for the Usual and Customary Charge for a treatment or service.
Except for the Worldwide Plan, the Insurer shall, during the Policy Period, inform the Policyholder and the
Insured Persons of medical providers in excess of the Usual and Customary Charge regularly or irregularly
for reference.
第三十九条 投保人、被保险人或者保险金申请人知道保险事故发生后,应当及时通
Article 39 The Policyholder, the Insured Person or the claimant, in the event of an insured event, shall notify
the Insurer at once after being aware of the accident. In the occurrence the Policyholder, the Insured Person or
the claimant intentionally or by gross negligence fail to perform such obligation and this leads to a difficult
determination of the nature, cause of the accident, or extent of the damage, the Insurer shall not be responsible
for benefits payment on the part that cannot be determined. If the Insurer was notified timely or was informed
through other means about the accident, the Insurer shall bear the cost of the insurance benefits.
The failure to give timely notice as prescribed in the preceding clause does not include the delay in giving notice
caused by force majeure.
第四十条 投保人住所或者通讯地址变更时,应当及时以书面形式通知保险人。投保人
Article 40 The Policyholder must inform the Insurer of any changes of residence or mailing address in writing.
If the Policyholder fails to notify this changes at once, the relevant notice sent by the Insurer according to the last
residence or mailing address recorded in this Policy shall be deemed to have been sent to the Policyholder.
Insurance Benefits Application and Payment
第四十一条 被保险人在网络医疗机构接受治疗,该医疗机构受保险人委托免向被保险
Article 41 The Network Provider has entered into an agreement with the Insurer to arrange direct billing
for the Insured Person. After treatment in the Network Provider, the Insured shall be exempted from the
payment for medical expenses. In the instance the Insurer has made the payment of such covered medical cost,
the Claimant shall have no right to claim for reimbursement of the same. In other circumstances, the claimant
may apply for insurance benefits reimbursement to the Insurer in accordance with this Policy.
Should an Insured Person apply for reimbursement, the claimant may download the Claim Forms from the
designated website, or upon request the Insurer can also send Claim Forms by fax or e-mail. The Claimant shall
complete the part A of the Claim Form, and Part B shall be completed by the Physician of the Insured. The completed
forms together with the original medical expense receipts shall be submitted to the Insurer within 180 days of
treatment for reimbursement of Covered Expenses. All the Claim documents belong to the Insurer.
第四十二条 保险人有权对被保险人进行身体检查或者理赔问卷调查。被保险人有义
Article 42 The Insurer and the Claims Administrator reserve the right to investigate medical reports and claim
questionnaire of the Insured. The Insured Person shall have the obligation to make available all medical reports,
records, and related documents required by the Insurer. If the Insurer shall request access to the full medical history
for investigation, the Insured shall grant such authorization. In the instance of death, the Insurer and the Claims
Administrator reserve the right to require an autopsy, unless forbidden by law or religious beliefs.
第四十三条 收到保险金后六十个工作日内,如果保险金申请人对理赔结果有争议,
Article 43 Should at any time the Insured Person object with the outcome of a processed claim, he/she may
submit a written appeal by post or e-mail with supporting documents. Appeals should be submitted within sixty (60)
working days after receiving the outcome of a processed claim. Upon appeal, the Insured Person shall bear the cost
of any fees associated with the request for medical records. The Insurer shall review the new information and provide
a response promptly.
第四十四条 保险金申请人向保险人请求给付保险金的诉讼时效期间为二年,自其知
Article 44 The period of limitation for the claimant to submit a reimbursement request to the Insurer is two (2)
years, calculated from the date when the claimant knows or should have known about the insured event.
Compensation for Medical Expenses
第四十五条 本保险为医疗费用补偿型保险,被保险人因遭受意外或者患疾病而每次接
Article 45 This Policy is expense reimbursement medical insurance product. Medical expenses for accidents
or illnesses of the Insured within the scope of coverage of this insurance shall deduct any amounts already
covered by social insurance, state-funded medical system, mutual insurance, other insurance plans, charities,
et cetera.
The Calculation and Error Handling of Age
第四十六条 被保险人的投保年龄以周岁计算。
Article 46 At the time of enrollment, age of the Insured Person depends on actual age calculated based on the
birth date recorded on the legal identity document.
第四十七条 投保人在投保时,应当如实告知被保险人的年龄。若被保险人年龄发生
Article 47 At the time of enrollment, Policyholder shall make a full and accurate disclosure of the age of the
Insured. If the age of the Insured is wrong, the following agreements can be adopted.
When Policyholder applies a Policy, if the age of the Insured is wrong and not in conformity with the conditions
stipulated in Article 3 of this insurance clause, the Insurer reserves the right to cancel this Policy and refund the
corresponding Cash Value to Policyholder.
When Policyholder applies a Policy, if the age of the Insured is wrong which causes that the insurance paid by
the Policyholder is less than the amount payable, the insurer shall have the right to make corrections and require the
Policyholder to make up the payment, or pay the insurance benefits in proportion to the amount actually paid
and the amount payable;
When Policyholder applies a Policy, if the age of the Insured is wrong which causes that the insurance paid by
the Policyholder is more than the amount payable, the Insurer shall refund the overcharged premium.
Alteration and Cancellation
第四十八条 除本合同另有约定外,经投保人、保险人双方协商同意后,可变更本合
Article 48 Except as otherwise agreed in this Policy, the relevant provisions can be modified after its initiation,
upon mutual agreement between the Policyholder and the Insurer. The changes shall come into effect after being
included in writing in this Policy, others insurance certificate or with an endorsement, or after a written agreement
amendment has been signed between the Policyholder and the Insurer.
第四十九条 未发生保险事故,被保险人或者受益人谎称发生了保险事故,向保险人提
Article 49 Should an Insured lie about the insurance event, and applies for insurance benefits, the Insurer
reserve the right to terminate the insurance Policy for the corresponding Insured Person, without refunding
the Premium.
Should the Policyholder or the Insured create an insurance event on purpose, the Insurer reserves the
right to terminate the insurance liability for the corresponding Insured Person, without refunding the
Should the Policyholder, the Insured or Beneficiary counterfeit the certificate, document and/or other
relevant evidence, fake insurance event or exaggerate the influence of insurance event, the Insurer shall not
be responsible for the fake part.
Should any of the three (3) circumstances stated in the above paragraphs cause the Insurer to pay for benefits
or expenses, the Policyholder, the Insured, or the claimant shall return such expenditure or provide compensation to
the Insurer.
第五十条 除法律另有规定或本合同另有约定外,投保人可以书面形式通知保险人解除
Article 50 Except as otherwise stipulated in the Policy or by the law, the Policyholder reserves the right to
notify in writing to the Insurer to cancel this Policy. If the Insurer already pay the insurance benefits as stipulated
in the Policy or Insured event happens prior to paying the insurance benefits, the policyholder has no rights
to cancel the Policy, unless the beneficiary abandon the right of Insurance Benefits Application.
The Policyholder is requested to provide the following evidence and documents to cancel this Policy:
Notice of cancellation;
Insurance policy, other insurance certificates or endorsements;
Identity certificate of the Policyholder;
Invoice or receipt of the Insured Premium;
Other relevant certificates and documents reasonably required by the Insurer.
The validity of this Policy shall be terminated at 24:00 the next day after the Insurer receives the notice of
cancellation, or at the termination time specified in the notice (whichever is later). Within thirty (30) days of receipt
of the evidence and documents stipulated in the preceding paragraph, the Insurer shall refund the corresponding Cash
Dispute Settlement and Governing Law
第五十一条 因履行本合同发生的争议,由当事人协商解决。协商不成的,提交本合
Article 51 Disputes arising from the execution and performance of this Policy shall be settled through
negotiation between the parties hereto. Should no settlement be reached, the case in dispute shall be submitted to the
arbitration institution specified in this Policy. Where no arbitration institution is specified in this Policy or no
arbitration agreement is reached after disputes, either party hereinto may bring litigation to the People’s Court of the
People’s Republic of China.
第五十二条 与本合同有关的以及履行本合同产生的一切争议处理适用中华人民共和
Article 52 This Policy is governed by and shall be construed in accordance with the laws of the Peoples
Republic of China (not including Hong Kong, Taiwan and Macau).
Medical Emergency Services - Medical services provided in connection with an Emergency. Which is defined
as an injury or illness that is acute, poses an immediate risk to a person's life or long-term health and requires
immediate medical intervention, which the Insured Person shall secure after the onset of such condition (or as soon
thereafter as care can be made available, but in any case not any later than twenty-four (24) hours after the onset.
Emergency coverage absolutely excludes:
Treatment which either arises from traveling against medical advice or is directly or indirectly aimed to
seek care or treatment outside the area of coverage.
Routine medical treatment.
Treatment that could have been postponed until return from the area where only Emergency Coverage
is provided.
Treatment that has been planned in advance by the Insured Person.
Treatment arising from circumstances that could have been reasonably anticipated by the Insured Person.
Maternity related treatments, including delivery and complications of pregnancy.
Home Country - The Home Country of any Insured Person under this Policy is deemed to be the country from
which the Insured Person holds a passport. In the event that a citizen of the United States holds more than one
passport, the United States shall be deemed the Home Country. In the event that a citizen of other countries other
than the United States holds more than one passport, the Home Country shall be deemed as the country or region
indicated in this Policy.
Age ‐ Actual age calculated based on the birth date recorded on the legal identity document.
Dependent Children - Include the Primary Insured’s natural children, legally adopted children, and/or step
children who live with the primary Insured in a customary parent-child relationship.
Per Visit Medical Services - For Outpatient, this refer to an outpatient or emergency visit during one day (from
0:00 to 24:00) with one physician in one department of one Medical Service Provider. For Inpatient, this refer to one
instance of being admitted and discharged by one Hospital.
Per Claim Deductible - The amount of covered Allowable Charges payable by the Insured Person during
Per Visit Medical Services before the Policy benefits are applied. Such amount will not be reimbursed under
the Policy.
Annual Deductible - The amount of covered Allowable Charges payable by the Insured Person during
each Policy Year before the Policy benefits are applied. Such amount will not be reimbursed under the Policy.
Policy Co-payment - The percentage that the Insured Person will pay of Covered Expenses after the
Deductible is met.
Radiation therapy - Radiation treatment for malignant tumors. Radiotherapy is a treatment for the purpose of
inhibiting and killing cancer cells by irradiating tumor tissues with various energies. The radiotherapy referred to in
this Policy is a radiotherapy received by the Insured Person in the special department of Medical Service Provider
as Prescribed by the Physician.
Chemotherapy - Chemotherapy for a malignant tumor. Chemotherapy is a medical treatment that is recognized
by the medical community to kill cancer cells and inhibit the growth and reproduction of cancer cells. The
chemotherapy referred to in this Policy is intravenous infusion chemotherapy received by the Insured in the Hospital
as Prescribed by the Physician.
Targeted therapy for tumor - a type of treatment which works at the molecular level and designs the
corresponding targeted therapy drugs against precisely identified carcinogenic point. It uses carrier of specificity to
selectively deliver the drugs or other active substances used to kill tumor cells to the tumor and attack cancer cells.
The targeted therapy drugs referred to in this Policy should comply with the laws and regulations and be approved
by China Food and Drug Administration for clinical treatment.
Tumor endocrinotherapy - It refers to the endocrine therapy for malignant tumors, which uses drugs to inhibit
hormone production and hormone response, kill cancer cells or inhibit the growth of cancer cells. The tumor
endocrinotherapy referred to in this Policy should comply with the laws and regulations and be approved by China
Food and Drug Administration for clinical treatment.
Tumor immunotherapy - It refers to the application of immunology principle and method to increase the
immunogenicity of tumor cells and effect of cell damage sensitivity with tumor immunotherapy drug, stimulate and
facilitate the anti-tumor immune response, and application effects of immune cell and molecule infusion in host,
collaborative tumor of body’s immune system destruct tumor & inhabit tumor development. The tumor
immunotherapy referred to in this Policy should comply with the laws and regulations and be approved by China
Food and Drug Administration for clinical treatment.
Medically Necessary - When treatment, services, facilities or drugs which are provided to the Insured are:
Consistent with the symptom, or diagnosis and treatment of the condition, disease or Injury, and prescribed by
the Physician; and
Appropriate with regard to standards of accepted local professional practice; and
Not solely for the Insured Person’s convenience, or for the convenience of the parents, the family, the Physician
or any other Provider of the Insured Person; and
The most appropriate supply or level of service, which can be provided. When applied to an Inpatient, it further
means that the medical symptoms or condition require that the services or supplies cannot be safely provided as an
Outpatient, and the patient’s medical status continues to require either acute or sub-acute levels of continuous
medical treatment, skilled nursing, or Rehabilitation services. Inpatient Hospital confinements primarily for
purposes of receiving non-acute, long term Custodial Care, Respite Care, chronic maintenance care, or
assistance with Activities of Daily Living (ADL), are not eligible expenses.
Is not a part of or associated with the scholastic education or vocational training of the patient; and
The treatment approved by the law of the local government that is not Experimental or Investigative. It covers
the cost of the operation in the local country and is not listed in the “Exclusions”.
Usual and Customary Charge - The lower of: a) the Provider’s usual charge for furnishing the treatment,
service or supply; or b) the charge determined by the Insurer to be the general rate charged by others who render or
furnish such treatments, services or supplies to persons: (1) who reside in the same area (zip code); and (2) whose
Injury or Illness is comparable in nature and severity.
The Usual and Customary Charge for a treatment, service or supply that is unusual, or not often provided in the
area, or that is provided by only a small number of Providers in the area, will be determined by the Insurer. The
Insurer will consider such factors as: (1) complexity; (2) degree of skill needed; (3) type of specialist required; (4)
range of services or supplies provided by a facility; and (5) the prevailing charge in other areas. The term “area
means a city, a county or any greater area, which is necessary to obtain a representative cross section of similar
institutions or similar treatment, based upon the formal international recognized standards.
Accident - Any sudden and unforeseen event occurring during the Policy Year period, resulting in bodily Injury,
the cause or one of the causes of which is external to the victim’s own body and occurs beyond the victim’s control.
Emergency - An injury or illness that is acute, poses an immediate risk to a person's life or long-term health.
Emergency Dental Treatment - Cost of Emergency treatment necessary to restore or replace sound natural
teeth (that were natural stable, free from decay, advanced periodontal disease, and did not undergo any treatments
such as crown, fillings, or crack) where the damage is a direct consequence of the Accident. Initial treatment must
be obtained within thirty (30) days of the Accident.
Acupuncture - Acupuncture therapy is treatment by stitching needles into the body of the patient at a certain
acupoint, twirling or lifting. Moxibustion therapy is the thermal simulation treatment by burning moxa at a certain
acupoint of the skin. Acupuncture and moxibustion treatment should be carried out by a qualified physician.
Acute Care - Medically Necessary, short-term care for an Illness or Injury characterized by rapid onset, severe
symptoms, and brief duration, including any intense symptoms, such as severe pain.
Chronic Condition - An Injury, Illness or condition, which may be expected to be of long duration without any
reasonably predictable date of termination, and which may be marked by recurrences requiring continuous or
periodic care as necessary; or which has had continued treatment for three months or more.
Sub-Acute - Condition which is somewhat acute, falling between acute and chronic care, but with some acute
Waiting Period - Length of time agreed between the Insurer and the Policyholder, starting from the effective
date of this Policy or the first day that the Insured Person becomes an Insured Person under this Policy (whichever
is later), during which no benefit is payable by the Insurer even in the occurrence of an insured event.
Activities of Daily Living (ADL) - Activities of Daily Living are those activities normally associated with the
day-to-day fundamentals of personal self-care, including but not limited to: walking, personal hygiene, sleeping,
toilet/continence, dressing, cooking/feeding, and transferring (getting in and out of bed).
High Risk Sports or Extreme Sports - Sports and recreational activities which require high level skill, a degree
of risk or physical stamina, including but not limited to: hang-gliding, parachuting, outdoor activities at 6000 meters
above sea level, scuba diving below 18 meters, cliff diving, hiking through uninhabited places (such as a desert,
gobi), offshore rafting, bungee jumping, outdoor rock climbing, parkour.
Custodial Care - Includes:
The provision of room and board, nursing care, or such other care which is provided to an individual who is
mentally or physically disabled and who, as determined by the individual’s attending Physician, has reached the
maximum level of recovery; and
In the case of an institutionalized person, room and board, nursing care or such other care which is provided to
an individual for whom it cannot reasonably be expected that medical or surgical treatment will enable him to live
outside an institution; and
Rest cures, Respite Care and home care provided by family members.
Respite Care - Respite Care is Inpatient care for a chronically or terminally ill patient, for the sole purpose of
relieving the patient’s primary caregiver.
Congenital Condition - Any heredity condition, birth defect, physical anomaly and/or any other deviation from
normal development present at birth, which may or may not be apparent at that time. These deviations include but
are not limited to, genetic factors, inborn errors of metabolism or other factors.
Homeopathy - A system of alternative medicine that seeks to treat patients by administering small doses of
medicines that would bring on symptoms similar to those of the patient in a healthy person. For example, the
homeopathic treatment for diarrhea would be a miniscule amount of a laxative.
Bereavement Counseling - Counseling of a terminally ill or deceased member’s family by a licensed counselor,
psychiatrist, psychologist, or pastor.
Rehabilitation - Therapeutic services designed to improve a patient’s medical condition within a predetermined
time period through establishing a maintenance program designed to maintain the patient’s current condition, prevent
it from deteriorating and assist in recovery. Inpatient Rehabilitation is only covered during the Acute and Sub-Acute
recovery phase of treatment and only when authorized by the Medical Service Provider.
药物滥用: 指反复、大量服用具有依赖性特性或者依赖性潜力的药品、物质或者溶剂
Drug Abuse Repeatedly taking high-doses of any addictive drug, substance or solvent unless solely arising
from a prescription issued on medical authority and taken strictly in accordance with medical advice.
Medical Provider - Means institutions licensed or approved by the local law and government, and inpatient,
outpatient and emergency services are rendered by a staff of Physicians who are duly licensed to Resident medical
practitioner and registered professional Nurses. The term Medical Providers do not include nursing homes, rest
home, health resorts, and homes for the aged, establishments for domiciliary care, care of drug addicts or
alcoholics, or similar institutions. Medical providers are divided into high cost providers and non-high cost
providers according to the level of medical cost. "High cost provider" means medical provider that exceeds the Usual
and Customary Charge (as specified in the Policy). Non-high cost providers refer to medical providers other than
high cost providers. Unless otherwise agreed in the Policy, the medical providers covered herein include both high
cost providers and non-high cost providers.
Birth Center - A facility which: a) is mainly a place for the delivery of a child or children at the end of a normal
pregnancy; b) and meets both of the following tests: (1) it is licensed as a Birth Center under the laws of the
jurisdiction where it is located; and (2) (i) it is equipped to perform all necessary routine diagnostic and laboratory
tests; (ii) it has trained staff and equipment required to properly treat potential emergencies of the mother and of the
child; (iii) it is operated under the full-time supervision of the Physician or a Registered Nurse (R.N.); (iv) it has at
all times a written agreement with at least one Medical Institution in the area for immediate acceptance of a patient
in the event of a complication; (v) it maintains medical records for each patient; (vi) and it is expected to discharge
or transfer each patient within 48 hours after the delivery.
Hospice - An agency which provides a coordinated plan of home and Inpatient care to a terminally ill person
and which meets all of the following tests:
Has obtained any required state or governmental license or Certificate of Need;
Provides service twenty-four (24) hours-a-day;
Is under the direct supervision of a Physician;
Has a Nurse coordinator who is a Registered Nurse (R.N.) or a Licensed Practical Nurse (L.P.N.);
Has a duly licensed social service coordinator;
Has as its primary purpose the provision of Hospice services;
Has a full-time administrator;
Maintains written records of services provided to the patient.
Inpatient - Means a person admitted to an approved Hospital or other health care facility for a Medically
Necessary overnight stay.
Day-care Treatment - Treatment received while an Insured Person occupies a Hospital bed or is charged for
Hospital accommodations for a Medically Necessary stay but does not remain overnight.
Outpatient - Services received while not an Inpatient in a Hospital, or other health care facility, or overnight
Physician - Means any licensed person including physician, general practitioner, specialist physician, medical
adviser, and any other personnel who is allowed to provide medical services within the scope of that license. This
term does not include: (1) an intern; or (2) a person in training.
Pre-existing Condition - Means any Illness or Injury, for which an Insured Person received any diagnosis,
medical advice or treatment, or had taken any prescribed drug, or where distinct symptoms were evident prior to the
Effective Date. It includes but not limited to the following conditions:
a. The doctor has made a definite diagnosis and the long-term treatment has not been interrupted;
b. The doctor has made a definite diagnosis, but the symptoms have not completely disappeared after treatment,
and there is intermittent treatment;
c. It has not been diagnosed and treated by a doctor, but the symptoms which are evident and persistent should
be known with common medical knowledge.
Complications of Pregnancy - Resulting from or deteriorating because of a pregnancy, which is different from
the delivery, including but not limited to acute nephritis; nephrosis; cardiac decompensation; ectopic pregnancy that
is terminated; spontaneous termination of pregnancy that occurs during a period of gestation. Complications of
Pregnancy will not include non-elective C-sections, improper operation, threatened abortion; occasional
spotting; Physician prescribed rest during the period of pregnancy; morning sickness; hyperemesis
gravidarum; and similar conditions associated with the management of a difficult pregnancy that do not
constitute a nosologically distinct Complication of Pregnancy.
Prescription Drugs - Medications which are prescribed by a Physician.
Traditional Chinese Medicine - Natural medicines and their products under the guidance of theory of
Traditional Chinese Medicine. Includes Chinese herbal medicine, pieces of Chinese Medicine. Excludes
medicines for general health improvement, including but not limited to:
Traditional Chinese Medicines with a pure form or within Chinese medicines compound Hairy antler,
monkey bezoars, Canis familiaris, Seamaster, Pipe fish, Agate, hawksbill, Chinese caterpillar fungus, Horse
bezoars, Bezoars, Coral, Moschus, Cornu Saigae Tataricae apex powder, Cornu Rhinocerotis, Bird’s nest,
Ginseng (excluding sun-cured ginseng), animals and their organs (excluding endothelium corneum) which
can be used as medicines such as placenta, penis, tail, tendon, bone, etc.
Traditional Chinese Medicines with a pure form Colla Corii Asini, Colla Corii Asini beads, Deer-horn
glue, Turtle shell Glue, Pseudo-ginseng, Turtle Angle glue, Guilu erxian glue, Tortoise-plastron glue, Safflower,
Sun-cured ginseng, Antelope horn powder.
Wine soaked with above Traditional Chinese Medicine and their cut crude drugs, processing pieces,
processing herbs, herbal fumigation and acupressure adhesive plasters.
Physical Therapy - The application of physical factors (such as light, electricity, magnetism, sound, heat, cold,
power, and so on) to treat diseases, including electrotherapy, light therapy, magnetic therapy, heat therapy and cold
therapy, hydrotherapy, and ultrasonic therapy, functional training and manipulation therapy; excluding mud therapy,
wax treatment, drug-bathing therapy, and bubble bath. All services must be prescribed by professional physical
therapy practitioner with appropriate qualifications with a written treatment plan, and within a reasonable and
predictable time, symptoms will be improved markedly.
Skilled Nurse - A person licensed as a Registered Nurse (R.N.) or Licensed Practical Nurse (L.P.N.) by the
appropriate licensing authority in areas in which he or she practices nursing.
Catastrophic Illnesses prescribed in this Policy just include the following categories:
(一)心血管疾- 包括冠心病、先天性心脏病、心肌梗塞、主动脉瘤。
Cardiovascular diseases - Includes coronary artery disease, congenital heart disease, myocardial infarction, and
aortic aneurysm.
Neurological conditions - Includes stroke, brain aneurysm, Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease,
Syringomyelia, and Multiple Sclerosis.
Hematologic diseases - Includes leukemia, lymphoma, aplastic anemia, ITP, and hemophilia.
Pulmonary diseases - Includes chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, and primary pulmonary hypertension.
Digestive diseases - Includes liver cirrhosis, and severe hepatitis.
AIDS,艾滋病)、艾滋相关综合征(ARCS和其他与 HIV 病毒相关的性传染病或者症状
Autoimmune diseases - Includes systemic lupus erythematosus, systemic scleroderma, Acquired Immune
Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS), AIDS-related Complex Syndrome (ARCS), and all diseases caused by and/or related
to the HIV virus.
(七)其他- 恶性肿瘤、良性脑肿瘤、良性脊髓肿瘤、主要器官衰竭或者移植、囊性纤
Others - Includes malignant tumor, benign brain tumor, benign spinal cord tumor, major organ
failure/transplants, cystic fibrosis, Peutz-Jeghers syndrome, and III-degree burns.
Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) - A biologically based condition causing a persistent pattern of difficulties
resulting in one or more of the following behaviors: inattention; hyperactivity; impulsivity.
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) - A common mental disorder in children with
inattentiveness, over-activity, impulsivity, or some combination of these. For these problems to be diagnosed as
ADHD, they must be out of the normal range for the child's age and development.
AIDS - Abbreviation of Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS).
HIV - Abbreviation of Human Immunodeficiency Virus.
Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) - Defined as the definition by WHO. If the AIDS virus or
its antibodies are found in the blood samples of the Insured, the Insured is decided to have been infected with the
AIDS virus or suffering from AIDS.
War - Including invasion, civil war, rebellion, revolution, armed seizing power, explosion of war weapons, etc.
Warlike operations are regarded as war.
Terrorist Activities - Refers to the following actions:
1) Organizing, planning, preparing, implementing, or carrying out activities that cause or are intended to
endangers society, such as casualties, major property damage, damage to public facilities, social disorder;
2) Promoting and inciting the implementation, or illegally holding articles promoting Terrorist Activities, and
forcing others to wear clothes and signs promoting Terrorist Activities in public places;
3) Organizing, leading, or participating in terrorist activities;
4) Providing support, assistance, and conveniences to terrorist organizations, or terrorist personnel
implementing or training for terrorist activities such as information, funds, materials, labor, technology, and shelter;
5) Other terrorist activities.
Claimant means the beneficiary, the successor of the Insured Person, or the other eligible person who
has the right to claim benefits in accordance with the law.
Force Majeure - Force impossible to foresee, avoid or overcome by objective situation.
Cash Value - The value of the Insurance Policy, usually refers to the amount calculated according to actuarial
principles and refunded by the insurer upon termination of the contract. Unused premium = Net premium * [1(the
number of days passed for insurance liability to the Insured / total number of days during the Policy Period)]. The
number of days passed which is less than one day shall be calculated as one day. Net premium = premium *1-